Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Larry, Man Wig, Red, and Bruce Wayne…

Weekend numero dos = successful and relaxing! Friday afternoon we had a group meeting and started talking about our inland trip, our service projects that we are completing this week, and my favorite part, we got to eat a yummy cake for Courtney’s 21st birthday that was Wednesday! Friday night Tess, Munya, Viktor and I went to dinner at this Lebanese place right down the road which was very good and very over priced, live and learn. Then we came back, played a few cards games with some juices ;) using the nicknames in the title of this blog…don’t ask why because I don’t know, but it was a lot of fun. We headed out to meet up with a few teachers to socialize out of the school setting and winded up making tons of memories! The highlight of the night was the fact that we brought Mumbles (Munya and Viktor’s “pet”) out with us and got tons of pictures and tons of stares…totally worth it though!

When we woke up Saturday morning a greasy, fattening American breakfast was much needed, so we walked down to George’s and had an omelet, potato fries, toast, and an iced coffee=YUM! After licking out plates clean, Tess, the boys and I went wandering around to find a place that we could kayak for the day. To make a long story short, we did not find a place and we winded up just swimming at Ramon’s in the public assess area. Saturday night there was supposedly a big “power hour” parade going on so Tess and I went to grab some food and see the parade. Well around here you learn quickly about “Belizean time” which means don’t even bring a watch because it seems that no one else around here does! We couldn’t find the parade and so we just headed back home after talking to the street children selling jewelry and such and passed out!

Palm Sunday: This morning we woke up feeling refreshed and went with A-team (Natalie, Anna, Keri, Tess, Jeanne, and myself) to George’s again for breakfast. We shared a lot of laughs from the weekend adventures and then Tess, Keri and I had to go to Ramon’s to meet our boat to go off shore snorkeling for the day. This experience was so much fun, very tiring, but really awesome! We each got to dive down and catch a CONCH (yes natalie...i have a whole new respect for these things after this trip haha) and then the boat driver took us to his house and made us ceviche—which is like a salsa—with the conch we caught! So we got to see him prepared the conch and all that good stuff! Very cool!! I thought I was doing a good job with my sunscreen application throughout the day…I felt a little burnt but not too bad…uh huh…I am a freakin’ lobster! I swear I have second degree burns all over my shoulders, back, and arms. DARNIT! Tess, Keri, and I were in so much pain last night at one point I think we were all delirious. But it happens, right? At least I tried to protect myself…cough cough…Tess… (Dummy didn’t even use sunscreen!) That night a few of us went to get ice cream and then munya, viktor, tess, jeanne, keri and i all played "fact or crap"..this game we got from the office...and needless to say, we had WAY too much fun! good times...

Monday, I wore a long sleeve shirt, a hat, and long pants to avoid any exposure to the sun! Ha ha. A group of us went to the library at 10 to do about 2 hours of a service project, since that is what this week is all about. We worked with the kids and made grass crosses and Easter bunnies! (of course i had to make one too...im such a 12 year old stuck in a 22 year olds body!) Then last night Jeanne and I went and played volleyball with the locals..so much fun! We are going to start playing every night from 5-7...and they are good, which makes it even better!

Tuesday (today) Viktor and I are going kayaking for a bit after we grab something to eat...because i am about to eat my hand! Then Tess and I have a meeting with a lady about our video project with the children! I am excited about getting started on that!

A wasss upppp Nat...I miss you soooooo much! And I am also having major Tower 7 withdrawals! You better have queso waiting for me at the airport on April 24th!

PawPaw- I know it was your birthday is around here somewhere, I am so sorry if I missed it! Happy birthday! I love you so much!! Nannie I heard ya’ll were enjoying the blogs from Dana! I am so glad you guys are getting to read them too!

Daddy…one more week you YOUNG man you (wink wink) I miss you familia!

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Pig toe...

Pig toe...
...yes mama...I ate a pig toe...and a tail...im sorry!

Our whole group before the birthday dinner!

Our whole group before the birthday dinner!

My swollen feet :(

My swollen feet :(
After walking miles and miles everyday and eating the amount of sodium we do here...this is the result. May not look painful, but you have NO IDEA!

High School Teachers :)

High School Teachers :)

There are a ton of little alley ways like this leading to the beach...just stopped at one to snap a shot!


This is Tess and I at our first meal!